Sci-Fi는 본 방영이 이루어지기 전 8주 동안, 젊은 아다마(젊은 아다마 편에선 1978년도 식의 구형 센츄리온이 나온다는 말도 있다)를 중심으로 벌어지는 이야기를 2-3분 분량의 미니 에피소드로 황금시간대에 방영할 생각이라고 한다. 일년동안 기다리기 힘들다는 팬들의 열광, 그리고 4시즌으로 종영되는 미드, 배틀스타 갈락티카에 대한 기대로 올 가을을 채울 것 같다.
Sci Fi Orders 'Battlestar' Mini-Sodes, 'Farscape' Webisodes
Shorts revolve around a younger William Adama
July 15, 2007
Edward James Olmos as William Adama, 'Battlestar Galactica'With "Battlestar Galactica" heading into its fourth and final season on Sci Fi, the cable channel is taking every opportunity to create additional content set in that world.
At Sunday's (July 15) Television Critic's Association press tour, Sci Fi Channel announced that a series of 2-3 minute mini-sodes will lead into the premiere the upcoming two-hour event "Battlestar Galactica: Razor." The shorts join the roster of innovative programming for the fall season.
The eight shorts will start airing in October and revolve around the adventures of pilot William Adama (Nino Cortez), the younger version of the series' current Adama played by Edward James Olmos. In the mini-sodes, the young Adama discovers a Cylon weapon that will figure in the adventures of his crew 40 years later. "Razor," which airs on Nov. 24, revolves around Adama's son Lee Adama (Jamie Bamber) and his first mission as commander of the Battlestar Pegasus.
Among the other new programs is "The Awesomes," the animated adventures of has-been superheroes; an untitled miniseries from actor Thomas Jane and comic book author Steve Niles set on an exotic planet; "Going Homer," a miniseries starring "Farscape's" Ben Browder as a 21st-century Homer; and a half-hour scripted series based on Francis Stokes' "God, Inc." web series. Stokes will also develop an unrelated original one-hour drama about time travel.
In alternative programming, "Run for Money," pits contestants seeking cash and prizes against a group of "hunters," while "Brain Trust" features a Mensa swat team that approaches everyday tasks with over-the-top inventions and solutions. "What Can't It Do?" takes products from the home and tests them in extreme situations, while "UFO Hunters" sets out to investigate claims of UFO sightings and otherworldly phenomena.
Sci Fi is expanding its online universe as well, adding a 10-part web series based on the award-winning "Farscape," "Sci Fi Tech" as a companion piece to the site's technology blog, and "Invent This!" which spotlights quirky inventions and their strange origins.

SCI FI To Premiere Battlestar Galactica 'Mini-sodes'
Beverly Hills, CA July 15, 2007 In keeping with SCI FI Channel's commitment to delivering 52 weeks of broad-appeal original contemporary science fiction, Mark Stern, Channel EVP, Original Programming today unveiled an ambitious development slate at the Television Critic's Association Press Tour. SCI FI's 2007/2008 original programming roster will feature new offerings from the critically-acclaimed, hit series Battlestar Galactica and collaborations with top-tier creative talent such as Lorne Michaels, Seth Meyers, Michael Shoemaker, Thomas Jane, Steve Niles, Ben Browder and Andrew Prowse. From mythical landscapes and dangerous gods to quirky animated comedies and thoughtful explorations of new worlds, SCI FI's original programming remains unmatched in its reputation for innovative, high quality entertainment.
In anticipation of the premiere of SCI FI's stunning two-hour event, Battlestar Galactica: Razor, the Channel will whet viewers' appetites with an eight-week series of exclusive 2-3 minute mini-sodes. Premiering in October on SCI FI during primetime, these promotional shorts will lead into the November 24 premiere of Razor, a special extended episode that will provide a backdrop to events that will take place in the rest of season four of Galactica. Written by Michael Taylor, and directed by Wayne Rose and Felix Alcala, these shorts will provide a sneak peek into the original Cylon War, when a young pilot named William Adama (Nico Cortez) discovers a dangerous Cylon weapon that will come back to haunt him and his crew 40 years later. Filmed as part of the extended episode, the mini-sodes will be included in the unrated Universal Home Video release of Razor. They will also be available on SCIFI.COM after their on-air debuts. Battlestar Galactica: Razor will tell the story of Lee Adama's (Jamie Bamber) first mission as commander of the Battlestar Pegasus and will reveal the story of how Admiral Cain (Michelle Forbes) served her ship during the original Cylon attack on the Colonies.
아래의 내용은 유투브에서 가져온 1978 배틀스타와 현재의 배틀스타에 관한 영상과 음악이다. 제대로 보진 않았는데, 매우 흥미롭다. 1978의 배갈이 궁금하다면 한번쯤 보아도 좋을 듯
기사 원본 :,0,5788060.story?track=rss
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